Monday, May 23, 2011

In The Last Week .......

       At the end of the semester I have to admit that the only course I studied and felt that I really learned a lot from it is the society and human rights course. I knew the rights that I’m enjoying while others can’t and felt thankful for this. I learned the rights that I’m not enjoying and realized that I am the only one who is able to get it be first knowing that this right is taken away from me. For example, as a Palestinian girl, I don’t have the right of free movement because Palestinians can’t travel to almost all of the Arab countries without getting a Visa that will take 3 to 4 months to be released. Also, in Palestine itself, I can’t visit the West Bank because my passport was released from Gaza and this system one of the dictator Israeli rules to make our lives more and more miserable. Moreover, as a girl in the Middle East, I don’t have the right to equal pay for equal work. Furthermore, where I live in, in Qatar, people are paid based on their nationalities not their work or intelligence.

       I think this course should be mandatory to every student in Qatar University to study because it really will open your mind to things that you never knew anything about such as my right as a women and what it really means. I think that knowing your rights will save us and we won't have to wait again 30 or 41 years to start fighting for our rights.

       Finally, I want to say thank you very much to my awesome professor Lacy Sloan and we will miss you a lot in Qatar University, The University that doesn’t appreciate the amazing professors and award them with the opposite way.        

Thanks for all of my wonderful and amazing professors 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

From my facebook friends...

*من فلسفة الشبابي اللى غلبت فلسفه القزافي:
مينفعش اتجوز وحده معرفهاش ... نتعرف الاول !!
ومينفعش اتجوز بنت خرجت معاها .... لأن زى ما خرجت معايا خرجت مع غيرى
*تطرد المرأة الرجل من حياتها بدافع الكبرياء .. و بعد رحيله بلحظات تبدأ بالبكاء !!
*مجنون دايما حاطط ذانو على الحيط وبسمع ..
شافو الدكتور وقالو "شو بتسمع"؟؟
قالو المجنون "تعال اسمع بذانك"
حط الدكتور ذانو على الحيط وقالو "مش سامع شي"
قالو المجنون

مهو هاد إلي مجنني !!
*عزيزي الحظ
i miss you
*محشش لقى ختيار بيأكل جلي
قاله: يا حج انت بترجف والجلي يرجف ..
جننتو المعلقة !!
*الحـــــب الـــاول كالتطعـــيم..!!
يحمـــينا مــن متــــاعب الــــحب الـــثانـــــي..
*أكبر قصص الحب في الجامعات ابتدأت بعبارة

ممكن أصور دفترك ؟!
*وقف رجل أمام غرفة الأطفال حديثي الولادة يراقب طفلته ويداعبها عن بعد. ثم توجه متحمساً لصديقه بجواره
وقال فرحاً: انظر انها تبتسم انها تبتسم
أجابه صديقه قائلاً: انها لم تتنتبه اليك أصلاً.

فرد والد الطفلة:
انا بحكي عن الممرضة يا اهبل
*من اختـــــــــار لي الموت, فسأختــــار له الحيـاة .. ليــــموت من النــــــدم على ما فعـل
*هرب حسني مبارك من المحاكمة وطلع فوق شجرة
فجاء علي صالح (رئيس اليمن)
وقال له: خلاص يا حسني انزل ولك مني 200 ألف دولار ..
فرفض مبارك ..
وجاء معمر القذافي ومعه منشار
...قال له: انزل يا حسني قبل ما اقطع الشجرة
فنزل مبارك ،
علامات التعجب ظهرت على وجه علي
فقال غاضبآ: كيف انا عرضت عليك مبلغ ورفضت؟
فأجاب مبارك : أنت كدااااااااب بس معمر مجنون ويعملها
*اذا رايت فــتَـاهْ تــتـكَلمْ عَــنْ شـآبَ امَامْ صَديقُـاتهُــــــا ، إعَلمْ إنَهآ تُــحَــبــهْ ..
واذا رأيت الشَـابْ يَتكُلمْ عَــنْ فَـتــآهْ أمام أصَدقــآئــــهَ ، إعلمَ أنـهـآ لا تَعنيْ لَهُ شَيئا
He + She = Love*
He + She + Love = Marriage
He + She + Love + Marriage = Child
He + She + Love + Marriage + Child = Family
He + She + Love + Marriage + Child + Family = " Problems " . So ...enjoy being single ! =D
*حين يرتكب الرجل بلاهة ما يقولون :
ما أشد بلاهته !!
و حين ترتكب المرأة بلاهة ما يقولون :
ما أشد بلاهة النساء !!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Squeaky Sits up!

This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen :D I want a squirrel pet right now :) Look How Cute Is That Baby Squirrel ^__^

Saturday, May 7, 2011

10 Quotations I like

Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
Malcolm X (1925 - 1965), (Malcolm X Speaks, 1965)

Envy can be a positive motivator. Let it inspire you to work harder for what you want.
Robert Bringle, quoted in (Redbook)

Language is the source of misunderstandings.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944)

Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939)

If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old.
Edgar Watson Howe (1853 - 1937)

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)

A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one. 
Lord Jeffery

Don't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter.
Oliver Goldsmith (1730 - 1774)

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.
Ann Landers (1918 - 2002)