Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
صفحة اخرى من مذكراتي
اليوم هو 8\7\2005 ، وفي هذا اليوم وصلت في زيارة إلى بلدي الحبيب فلسطين ، لم أرى بلدي منذ آخر زيارة لي قبل خمسة سنوات ، يا إلهي كم اشتقت إلى هذه الأرض الطيبة ، كم اشتقت إلى هذه النسمات العليلة طيبة الرائحة المعبئة بعبير الزعتر والمرمية الطيبة المزروعة في أنحاء وزوايا الشوارع ، منذ وصلت إلى منزل جدتي ودخلت أنا وعائلتي وقبلنا يدها لا أستطيع أن أصف فرحتي أو أصف تعابير وجهها ، تعابير مختلطة ومشاعر متضاربة بين الفرح والدهشة فهي لم تكن تعلم بمجيئنا أبدا ، وقد كنا قد اتفقنا على جعلها مفاجأة للجميع، ومنذ عرف أهل الحارة من أقربائنا بمجيئنا بدأ الجميع بالتوافد علينا منذ الساعات الاولى لوصولنا فكان أول من وصل خالي الكبير والأصغر منه حتى اكتملوا خمسة ، ثم أتت عمة والدي ، كل هذا الحشد في ساعتين فقط .
ولأنني كنت تعبة جدا من السفر الطويل المتعب الذي استمر ثلاثة ساعات بالطائرة وأربعة ساعات تقريبا من مطار القاهرة حتى معبر رفح ويوم كامل من المبيت على معبر رفح وكل هذا الوقت من دون أن يغمض لي جفن ابدا ً فقد نمت في بيت جدتي أنا وأختي نحو الخمسة ساعات وعندما استيقظت كانت جميع خالتي قد وصلن للترحيب بنا طبعا في نفس اليوم تطبيقاً للعادات الفلسطينية الاصيلة ، لا استطيع أن اصف شعوري في هذا الوقت ، فأنا سعيدة برؤية خالاتي ولكن المشكلة أن بناتهن قد كبرن كثيراً عن الصورة التي بقيت في مخيلتي منذ خمسة سنوات ، ولكنها لم تكن مشكلة البتة فتلقائياً بدأنا بالتعارف من جديد وكأننا نرى بعضنا البعض لأول مرة بالتأكيد ، فأي شيء يمكن أن تتذكره طفلة عمرها 6 سنوات بأية حال ؟.!! ، العمر الذي كنت وإياهن فيه عندما زرتهما اخر مرة ، ولكن الحمد لله لم يكن تعارفاً صعبا ً فكلنا نشترك بنفس الصفات ( كثرة الكلام و العِشرية و سرعة التأقلم ) .
طبعا لا يرحل الضيف حسب العادات الفلسطينية الأصيلة بدون عشاء فقامت زوجات أخوالي باعداد عشاء فلسطيني اصيل مكون من الفول والحمص والفلافل والبطاطا المقلية والبندورة المقلية .
لم تكن هذه نهاية اليوم فاليوم استمر حتى ساعات الصباح الأولى حيث قضيته أنا ووالداي وإخوتي وأخوالي في منزل جدتي نتذكر الماضي ونتبادل النكات وغيرها حتى لا أعلم متى غططت في نوم عميق وانا أركز رأسي على حجر والدتي .
Saturday, April 16, 2011
My Favorite Movies :D
I love watching movies. Reading, watching movies and listening to music are pretty much what I love to do in my spare time. So, today I am going to talk about my favorite movies of all time which I can watch over and over without feeling bored. Most of these movies I watched when I was very young and maybe thats why I consider them my favorites.
My favorite Romantic movies:
First time I watched Titanic I was 10 years old and I remember that I loved it very much and was moved by the ending scene. The whole thing was and still fascinating to me, the clothes, the setting and every single detail of this movie was just too Hollywood. The actors and actresses all did a great job.
My favorite Romantic-Comedy:
Look Who's Talking
First time I watched this movie I was 12 years old and I thought it was pretty funny. The reason why I thought this movie was funny because the baby in it talks like grown ups and the voice over belongs to an older actor, but at the same time it is from the perspective of a baby. As simple as that :). And of course John Travolta and Kristie Ally are one of the most hilarious actors\actresses out there.
May favorite Science Fiction movie:
I watched this movie this year, but its a 1997 production. I loved this movie with all my heart because its not just a movie about a scientist that is looking for life in outer space; it also has touches of drama and mystery. Contact is absolutely amazing and every second of it is meaningful. And with this movie, it is the first time that I love an ending that is open. It has something to say for everyone and touches everyone. Jodie Foster was just the best choice for this role because her eyes can say every thing and her performance is outstanding.
My Favorite horror movie:
The Fly
I watched this movie when I was like 8 because we had it on a tape. I always thought that its absolutely disgusting and I still think so but the thing is that this movie brings a lot of new science ideas like the idea of transmitting the body from place to place when those two places are not connected. I also loved the tragic love story in it. The special effects were amazing though this movies is from the late 1980s.
My favorite action movie
Face Off
I always wasn't a big fan of the action movies but I loved this one because it has something to say for everyone. I watched it when I was 11 years old and I loved it since. primarily because of John Travolta and Nicolas Cage's performance. Both of them can act with his eyes and without saying anything, but at the same time, they are willing to make you feel as if you are in the same place. Especially the back and forth from the loving kind father to the crazy cold killer.
My favorite Drama movie:
The brave one
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Some lucky people that I am really really jealous off but they also inspire me. (1)
- Photographer Brad Elterman
Brad Elterman started his career at the age of 16. Yes 16 with a borrowed camera. Basically he is the luckiest teenager I’ve ever heard about. He lived in L.A when he was a teen, always had a camera hanging on his neck and he loved hanging out at the clubs that plays 1970s rock and roll so believe it or not he was hired to photograph bands and celebrities in these clubs. He wasn’t a paparazzi because they weren’t there yet , he was a celebrity photographer …. At the age of 16 !!!!. Yes it was as easy as that because it was the 1970s. He was responsible on photographing and conveying the Roc and Roll scene in that time in Hollywood encompassing pop, punk and rock bands including the Faces with Rod Stewart, David Bowie, the Sex Pistols, the Runaways, Kiss, Queen, Blondie, the Ramones, the Bay City Rollers, Abba, Boney M, Kenny Rogers, The Who, Leif Garrett, Michael Jackson, etc. Also the fact that he wasn’t just a photographer for these bands but also a friend is killing me because some of them I consider my favorite bands.
Some of the magazines that Brad contributed to include:US: Creem, Circus, Rolling Stone, People, Hit Parader, Phonograph Record Magazine, Rock Magazine, Rock Scene, New York Post, National Enquirer, The StarJAPAN: Music Life, Rock ShowEUROPE: Muzeik Express, Photo Foto, Pop, Pop Rocky, Bravo, Das Freizeit, Magazun, Popcorn, Poster Magazine, Oh Boy, Fabulous 208, Jackie, Sounds, New Musical Express, Melody Maker. Often Brad was hired to do official publicity photos by major record labels including RCA, Warner Bros, MCA, Mercury, Columbia, RSO and Capitol Records. All these magazines before turning 20 !. After that he started his own business when he formed in 1980 one of the first Los Angeles-based photo agencies, California Features International, Inc. which specialized in providing celebrity coverage to magazines and newspapers worldwide.
He likes to call his style “raw” because in his photo sessions he doesn’t use hairstylists, makeup artists or anyone else for the lights and this stuff. Just him and the person he wants to photograph.
Blondie by Brad Elterman
joan jett with Brad Elterman 1977
Michael Jackson by Brad Elterman 1979
The Runaways by Brad Elterman 1978
Kristie Alley 1980
young John Travolta at the Grease premiere
Bob Dylan with the "unknown young actor" Robert De Niro
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Two women that I love and respect in the entertainment field (2)
Two women that I love and respect in the entertainment field (2)
2- Joan Jett
Joan Jett is my favorite Rock star and she is the one that I wish to see in a concert the most. I always thought of rock and roll as a nonsense noise, stupid people, drugs and devil worshipers but Joan Jett was the one that made me change this idea because of her talent and actions. Joan Jett is the perfect example about a person who really knows what he wants in his life. She always wanted to enjoy music and just music and that’s why music was the only thing she worked for in life. I respect her for several reasons. First, because she is considered the Queen of rock and roll and she is in my opinion the only female in the world who can really play and sing rock from the heart. Second, because she is not the kind of person who will change his style to please people. For example, In the 1980s recording companies asked her to change her style to get a record deal. By changing her style they meant stop playing the electric guitar that she described as part of her, to dress like a “lady” and to get plastic surgery to implant breasts!!!!. After 23 rejection her response was to start her own label which she became by it one of the first female musicians to start own her own label.
Joan Jett started her journey as a Rock and Roll star in 1975. She and the female Drummer Sandy West were the founding members of the First all girl rock band The Runaways. She played in this band on the rhythm guitar for 2 years and was the lead singer for 3 years and after that the band split up. Playing in The Runaways was never easy because the people at that time couldn’t accept that teenage girls could have the talent to play proper rock and roll. They got a lot of criticism and never got acceptance in the U.S unlike other countries like Japan who treated them with respect and considered them as a rock stars that are fit to even be bigger than the Beatles.
After The Runaways split up she met a man called Kenny Laguna who was the only one who believed in her and her talent and helped her to from her second and current band “Joan Jett and The Blackhearts”. She recorded a demo tape and sent it to 23 recording company and was rejected from all of them. The interesting part is that Joan Jett didn’t just give up, but she decided to start her own label and so she produced her album on her own. That was in 1981 when she got her first well known Hit “I Love Rock N’ Roll”. I love rock and roll was one of the songs that were rejected by the recording companies and it became number 1 hit on the bill board for 7 weeks. All of the songs that were in the rejected demo tape became also hits. She played a lot of sold out concerts and finally gained the respect she didn’t get when she was a member of The Runaways. To maintain this success and her vocal cords she stopped using drugs and drinking since she was 20 and became vegan after 10 years. She is 53 years now and believe it or not she is still playing and still as beautiful as she was in her 20s. In 2010 she was portrayed by the young actress Kristen Stewart in the movie The Runaways which talked about her first band.
in this ironic interview you could easily know what I mean by "a person who really know what he wants" because every single thing she said in this interview 30 years ago she did it
I Love Rock N' Roll
I Hate My Self For Loving You
Joan Jett in the red jumpsuit
16 years old
the first all girl rock band The Runaways
the first album of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
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